Time-off statistics
and forecasting
Estimate how crowded things can get

Vacationstat was developed in 2024 and will be further expanded in 2025. Step by step, we are adding countries to provide a comprehensive overview of vacation crowds.
Where in Europe do people have time off today?
- 0-10%
- 10-20%
- 20-30%
- 30-40%
- 40-50%
- 50-60%
- 60-70%
- >70%
- 0-10%
- 10-20%
- 20-30%
- 30-40%
- 40-50%
- 50-60%
- 60-70%
- >70%
Estimated days off
The total amount of people that will have a day off for alle countries in Europe we added to this site so far:
No Data Found
Data that drives tourism and travel decisions
For Businesses and Organisations
Vacation insights for strategic decision-making for:
Tourism organizations, Accommodation managers, Event organizers, Travel agencies and tour operators
- Optimize marketing campaigns to attract more tourists
- Adjust pricing and availability based on expected demand
- Plan targeted offers and trips during peak periods
- Schedule events at the most opportune times
For Governments and Policymakers
Manage tourist flows for sustainability and balance
- Distribute crowds to prevent overtourism
- Contribute to sustainable tourism development
- Use trends to inform strategic policies
For Individuals
Plan your ideal vacation with reliable data
- Avoid peak crowds or choose popular times
- Find better deals by planning strategically